Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Running, Knitting, and Infertility, Oh My!!

Besides knitting I like to run. I know like and run are not words that most use in the same sentance together. There are days like today when I love to run. I got out of work, said pish posh to the gym, and headed home to run outside in the fresh air. After several rainy days in a row around here the sun felt good. Knitting and running are both enjoyable to me, but also serve as therapy. My entire life seems to be one big stressful event lately. Work is crazy busy, I'm failing at fertilty, and my daughter is growing up too fast.

Yes, failing at fertility. Hopefully some of you know what I mean. We have been trying for a year and half now. First the doc thought it was me, then my husband, now back on me. My life is on a calendar. Days 5-9 take my Clomid. Days 13-16 Rock the Casbah as my ob/gyn put. Day 21 go have my blood drawn. Wait, have nothing happen, start the whole thing over again each month. We go to a specialist the end of month. After the constant disappoint this year has brought it I don't want to get my hopes up. I have accepted the fact that I may or may not ever have another biological child. I just want to a yes or no so that I can move on.

Anyways, I am done whining, venting, etc..... For now I'll keep running, knitting, attempting to spin, and writing about it all here!



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