Monday, June 12, 2006

Defining Me

It's been a long last week. I kept meaning to post but had nothing much to post about. Our problem trying to get pregnant has gotten the best of me. Which leads to the question-Why should I let the ability to have a child define me or us as a couple? If we are never able to get pregnant will that change me or us? I'll still be a mother to a wonderfully wild little girl, wife, friend, runner, knitter, trying to be spinner, and all the other things that make me me. After I had my HSG (dye test) to check out my tubes; my husband apoligized that he's putting me through this. He said to me, "If I wouldn't have tried to catch that ground ball in 5th grade and gotten injured (I'll leave it up to you to figure out where the ball hit him) we wouldn't have to be going through all of this." What he fails to relize is that that ground ball just happened. There was no higher power saying, "No kids for you" when that ball came at him. Maybe in the finality of this trying to having a bab, he will come to terms with what happened 20 plus years ago. anyways-enough rambling.


At 11:22 PM, Blogger MUDNYC said...

I hope the HSG turned out clear. Nothing really goes like we plan it to, does it? Sigh. Just wanted to say that I feel your pain, truly. Good luck with this.


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