Friday, May 12, 2006

Blue Sky, Nothing but Blue Sky (Cotton)

Had to share my last yarn purchase. 5 skiens of Blue Sky Cotton in Thistle. It's gorgeous. I abandoned ship on the original sweater pattern I had in mind for K-Dall (my daughter) when I found the Girlfriend's Swing Coat Sweater from The Garter Belt. K-dall got to pick the color as long as I got to use that pattern. Figuring she would pick one of the pink shades of Blue Sky cotton, I was surprised when she picked thistle.

Last night I rolled them all into pull skeins and put them back in the bag. It sat there on the table taunting me all night. Why not start?-you ask. I am half a panel away from finish my silk sari bag and I don't finish it now it will sit in my basket for the next month. Isn't that how it goes-you always have more projects in the works before the one or more you are already working on is finished. Speaking of finished I better finish this and get ready for work. It's friday-finally! (ignore the way the pictures look all cock-eyed, I'm not sure what happenedand don't feel like finding out either)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Okay Happy Birthday to me yesterday, but I just didn't make it out here yesterday. All in all it was a good birthday. I turned 28 and everyone kept reminding me how close to 30 I was. I don't quite understand the stigma of turning 30, 40, 50 etc... Perhaps it's because my view on what age is old isn't the same as some out there. Maybe it's because my entire life I have watched my grandparents, who are now 82 and 76, never slow down. They still haven't. I think that is the key to the whole age thing-Never consider yourself getting older-just better.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Rambling of Yarn and Good Wine

Despite my already healthy stash of yarn, I still stopped at The Sow's Ear in Verona, WI yesterday and walked out with needles and a skein of bright, beautiful sock yarn. The Sow's Ear is a wonderful shop, where yarn and caffeine intermingle. Honestly, I stopped only to get a soymilk latte and snack for Little Miss. After setting Little Miss up with her slice of cherry cheese strudel and organic apple juice, I began to wander around the shop. Little Miss joined me after her snack, proclaiming she would like a pair of socks. Doesn't matter that we are heading out of sock weather, she wants me to make her socks. Thanks to her burning desire for socks, I hit enough loyalty points to earn a gift certificate for the next trip. We both left happy and set off for the zoo in Madison.

On the way home, I stopped at Brennan's Market. Made out with a great bottle of red wine for dinner. I'm fortunate to be able to select from 4 or 5 places in the area that carry really great wines. Massbach Ridge, Galena Cellars, Brennan's (Monroe and Madison) to name a few. I'm not a wine snob either. I drink whatever wine appeals to me at the time I feel like drinking it. Don't ask me what wine goes with what food. I have no clue. A good bottle goes with anything in my book.

New yarn + good wine = one great day

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Running, Knitting, and Infertility, Oh My!!

Besides knitting I like to run. I know like and run are not words that most use in the same sentance together. There are days like today when I love to run. I got out of work, said pish posh to the gym, and headed home to run outside in the fresh air. After several rainy days in a row around here the sun felt good. Knitting and running are both enjoyable to me, but also serve as therapy. My entire life seems to be one big stressful event lately. Work is crazy busy, I'm failing at fertilty, and my daughter is growing up too fast.

Yes, failing at fertility. Hopefully some of you know what I mean. We have been trying for a year and half now. First the doc thought it was me, then my husband, now back on me. My life is on a calendar. Days 5-9 take my Clomid. Days 13-16 Rock the Casbah as my ob/gyn put. Day 21 go have my blood drawn. Wait, have nothing happen, start the whole thing over again each month. We go to a specialist the end of month. After the constant disappoint this year has brought it I don't want to get my hopes up. I have accepted the fact that I may or may not ever have another biological child. I just want to a yes or no so that I can move on.

Anyways, I am done whining, venting, etc..... For now I'll keep running, knitting, attempting to spin, and writing about it all here!


Yarn Diet?

I think it's time for a yarn diet. Sunday I found myself at one of my favorite yarn stores, The Sow's Ear ( in Verona, WI. Wandersing in and around all the yarrn, a dozen or so projects came to mind. Thinking to myself-not going to buy, not going to buy, I picked up some yarn off the sale shelf. Oooooh, a beautiful soft mohairy blend that went really nicely with this other eggplant colored ball of mohair over on the other sale shelf. Not going to buy? Ha! At least it was on sale. Got home yesterday and a box awaited me. EBay winnings-Cherry Tree sock yarn, along with two skeins of Lorna's Laces that I bought from the sellars EBay store. Log into EBay last night and congratulations you've won a half skein of Prism Cool Stuff. Top it all off with my husband muttering 'There's more yarn in this house than....', didn't hear the rest since he was walking away. Maybe it's time to diet!

Current Stash Basket listing :
heathery gray yarn for Lucy bag
yarn for daughter's sweater
Kureyon for another Booga bag
skein of Malabrigo for husband's hat
black yarn with wild novelty yarn for felted bag
skein of Blue Sky Alpaca cotton
3-4 miscellaneous skeins that were on sale so why not
7 skeins of silk sari yarn
a bunch of left over odds and ends from past projects
all the yarn (except the Prism) mentioned above
skein of cotton for dishcloths

I'm sure I've missed some since I'm going off the top of my head. Of course compared to some of you knitters out there, this might just be a drop in the bucket.